Rep. Louie and the Fear Propagators ...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib erty -vs- Tyr anny Louie Gohmert - One Scary Idiot As it goes Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is one slightly unbalanced and therefore rather disturbing individual. His "way out in left field" claim that President Obama's administration has Muslim Brotherhood members is, IMNHO opinion based on one of two things. The fact "good ole Louie" is incapable of accepting we have a mixed race President, or he is simply stirring the pot of fear. Much like Senator McCarthy did in a bygone era. In either case he is doing a great disservice to the American public. As a fiscally conservative social Libertarian I challenge the fear mongering right to provide some significant evidence in support of the delusions they would have us all accept as factual reality. TPM - Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) went after the Obama administration's handling of the Boston Marathon bombing investigation in a radio interview Thursday -- and alon...