According To Jon Huntsman the Republican Party is 'Devoid of a Soul'... He Might Be Right

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny While Governor Huntsman was not my favorite to land the rEpublican nomination in 2012 (Ron Paul was) looking back he would have made a formidable candidate in the effort to unseat President Obama. Instead the party nominated Mittens the Flip Flopper Romney and we all know the results of that brilliant move to pacify the more (false) conservatives in the rEpublican Oligarchical power structure. Unless the party wakes up and gets some sense it will pay a lasting price as America, including America's real conservatives and libertarians move on to a new era. Jon Huntsman should figure predominately in a new future for the rEpublican party. The Telegraph - The Republican Party is leaderless and "devoid of a soul" but can rebuild in the wake of its election defeat if it embraces its history of supporting limited government, Jon Huntsman has said. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the former Utah gover...