As one Door Closes Another Opens...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty - vs- Tyranny

Today was a life changing experience for me. At 60 being told "your job has ended, the result of a corporate directive and reorganization" was no solace when early retirement is not an option and finding employment at 60 is at best difficult.

It is especially hard as my wife went through essentially the same when she was 62 years old. Unable to find employment after two years of effort she was advised by me to take early retirement. Won't be able to advise myself of the same.

Transitioning, as they now call it, from one job (career path) to the next can be either a positive and enriching experience or it can be a negative and bitter experience. Of course the path choice rests solely with each individual. The choice selected will, in large measure, determine the future happiness and success of the individual who has been displaced.

Having went through such displacement not only today, but eleven years ago as well, I can safely say it is 1) not easy, and 2) difficult not to take it personally.

Thankfully because of my parental upbringing as well as the positive influence of Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism I am able to see my unfortunate circumstance from the perspective of the employer, a necessary response to counter the business realities of a severely declining volume that will require significantly less front line supervisory oversight.

I told the Vice President of Manufacturing when he advised me Friday would be my last day I was not at all surprised, I just didn't anticipate the timing accurately. Perhaps it was a lapse of objective thought or maybe wishful thinking.

At any rate, as difficult as this transition will undoubtedly be, were I in the shoes of the decision maker I would have made the same decision with respect to staff reduction(s). It was the appropriate decision, although not necessarily the right choice of staff. But then I admit to having some bias on that one.

It has been said, "when one door closes another opens." Eleven years ago a door closed abruptly. When it it did a new one opened exposing me to new experiences and opportunities. For that I thank my current employer of 10 and 1/2 years and will use that which they provided me to identify new opportunities and experience heights.

As they say, life is pretty much what you make it. As I look forward to new opportunities and horizons I thank all those who have given me the opportunity to gain experience, as well as all those who supported me and taught me all that I know today.


  1. Sorry to hear about your job situation, Les. Been there, done that, didn't like it much. I'm really not trying to be a smart-alec when I say that I'll be praying for you. Best wishes.

    1. Thank you Gorges, I do appreciate you kind words.

  2. Wow that sucks Les.

    Not knowing you other than from what I gather from your writing and our few online conversations, I know that you are a man of convictions and will undoubtedly land on your feet.

    Good luck, I only wish there was something I could do to help.

    1. It does. I will land on my feet as you say, even if I do a few somersaults first :)

  3. won't say that i am sorry to hear of this occurance, my friend for to do so would view it as a negative event and that isn't what you need to hear at the moment.
    i will say that this sounds like a great opportunity to take that life time of experience you have and turn it into a successful business venture.

    that, in my opinion, would be the Ayn Rand way of seeing it.

    1. Thank you my friend, you know me well.

      You are quite right, it would be (is) the way Ayn Rand would see it.

  4. Les,
    I was sorry to hear about this and I do truly believe that you will find a new opportunity. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. You are in my thoughts and I agree that you will turn this lemon into lemon meringue pie.

    1. Thanks for your supportive words. They are appreciated and helpful as it all sinks in.

  5. Les, this is truly a serious bummer and I'll be keeping you and yours in our thoughts here on the left coast. Like Chris says above, I am totally confident that you will land on your feet and even turn this short-term setback into something more positive than you can imagine!

    1. Thanks Tim. I am a survive, and my belief in, and advocacy of Rand and Objectivism will help me immeasurably in getting through the turbulent time that may lie ahead.

  6. Sucks but can be a blessing. I got fired at 60 so the owners son-in-law could take over. Started my own business and five years later it is still growing and supporting 20 people just fine. Can't say it is easy but it can be done and the lemon aid tastes great.

    Hate to gloat but the previous business is no longer open.

    1. So true skudrunner. I was given a decent severance package and have some time to plan my next move.

      As an aside I actually like lemons,a bunch. So I'm thinking the lemonade made of difficult circumstances tastes even BETTER when made!

      Thanks for your words of encouragement.


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