As Santorum {the Frothy} Takes Alabama and Mississippi...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Watching the republican primaries has just about convinced me that Obama is going to secure a second term. Not because he is deserving of reelection on the merits of his first term, rather because his opposition is so glaringly weak.

Ron Paul, the candidate with some real horsepower between his ears really never stood a chance in the republican field. Being the ONLY consistent, limited government constitutional conservative who is truly liberty minded he scares the hell out of most people. The simple reason? He tells it like it is and not what people want to hear.

The other three candidate, Mittens, Frothy, and Newtie are anything but fiscal conservatives. For those who have actually looked at their records the evidence is clear and I need not run it again. For those who haven't taken the time already running it again probably wouldn't matter anyway.

The three stooges as I fondly call them have no problem ignoring their records and jumping through hoops in the hopes they can hoodwink people into believing they are something they're clearly not. In today's republican party it apparently takes a special type of people to run for high office. Ones without a conscience, Ron Paul the exception of course.

Enough of the criticism in regards to the disingenuous republican candidates. The reason for the article is to highlight the genius of the Obama campaign. Early on it seemed everybody was thinking Mittens would be the republican nominee and that there probably wouldn't be any other serious contenders. Agreed? Well the game has changed. Frothy has come on strong and seems to be galvanizing the "socon's", (Evangelical Fundies and Devout Catholics) so as to potentially seriously challenge Mittens.

Team Obama, who has always had a healthy fear of moderate to liberal Mittens senses the opportunity. On the eve of Frothy's wins in Alabama and Mississippi they released highly critical fundraising ads attacking Romney.

The Hill - ..."We cannot underestimate someone like Romney who has shown he will spend and say anything to win," he wrote.

Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod also attacked Romney, writing on his Twitter account: "@MittRomney You know what they say: as America Samoa goes, so goes the nation!"

In his email, Messina cited a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll which found Romney barely eking out Obama in a head-to-head matchup.

"If the general election were held today, President Obama would lose to Mitt Romney -- according to the latest poll from Washington Post-ABC News," Messina wrote in the email. "We cannot underestimate someone like Romney who has shown he will spend and say anything to win."

... "Of course, we have plenty of good news to celebrate, and we must not overreact to any one poll," Messina added in the email. "But this one is a reminder that we have to remain vigilant -- always focused on November 6th and the work we have to do to win."

It is clear the Obama campaign believes that Mittens, should he win the republican nomination could well unseat the President. It is also quite probable Obama and his campaign believes that Frothy on the other hand could not.

It makes perfectly reasoned sense to hammer away at the candidate most likely to defeat you in the general election, even as Mittens faces a surging Frothy in the republican primaries. Especially so in this case this because by doing so the Obama campaign may convince moderate to liberal republicans to support Obama, and the moderate to right leaning to vote Santorum in the primaries. Reasoning is Frothy is a candidate Obama would easily defeat in a general election.

So given all of this, which may mean something or nothing at all, a vote for Ron Paul {as a write in on Nov.6th) is a vote of conscience and a vote for principles. I can live with that.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Progress for Gingrich, though, Les. After a spate of 3rd and 4th place finishes, the dude actually came in second. Granted, it was in his own backyard and all but, still.......P.S. Johnson's looking pretty damned good these days, isn't he?

    1. How about the Sanatorium-Gingrich thing being floated? Talk about major statism with a real pontificating religious flair, and no sense of fiscal restraint or responsibility.

      The republican party if it becomes obsolete, defunct, and forgotten will deserve the fate it has been working hard creating for itself.

      Paul and Johnson are the only two who make sense. IMO. Huntsman was far behind them actually.

    2. I'm going to go to Johnson's site, assess his positions on the issues more thoughtfully, and take it from there. As I hope that you realize, Les, I am an open-minded voter.

  2. Paul, and to a lesser extent Johnson, are way too far out with laizzez faire government for most people. We like some safety net, some security, in case life deals us bad cards. And it doesn't cost that much. Most of us consider each other our friends, at the very least at the national level. We are a people, not just a cloud of little atoms.


    1. Just be prepared for the crash. The more that dependency on the government (others) is accepted as normal and commonplace the sooner we become Greece...

  3. It's all about balance, Les. It's not all your way or an other. Most of us want some government, because we want to enjoy living in a safe, advancing, happy civilization.


    1. Once again you miss the point. Just once rationally define "your balance."

      As Greece approaches...

  4. I don't believe that Mr. Johnson wants to destroy the safety net. He just wants to block-grant a lot of these programs back to the states where that can probably be run more efficiently. Big difference.


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