Ron Paul Quietly Gaining Ground... Focuses on Newt

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

While the MSM, and conventional GOP punditry has the Republican race for the party's presidential nomination a two way heat, long shot Texas representative Ron Paul is quietly and steadily gaining ground.

The Libertarian leaning congressman has maintained a consistency and adhered to his principles like no other candidate in the race. His advocacy of proper and sound constitutional government and reigning in the MIC (military industrial complex) is resonating with liberty minded individuals across America.

(ABC News)
While portions of the national press corps have declared the GOP primary a two-man race between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, the tenacious Texas Congressman on his third run for the White House, is quietly picking up speed.

The libertarian leaning Texas Congressman is buoyed by strong poll numbers. In the latest ABC News/ Washington Post poll, Paul is polling in the top three in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Similar polls by NBC, CBS, and the Des Moines Register show the same.

Paul has set his sights on Gingrich, releasing videos that criticize the former House Speaker for a career in politics and policy shifts.

The two have not only sparred over the size of the federal government, but its scope. Paul unveiled an ad last week attacking Newt for being a serial hypocrite and for building his wealth through questionable lobbying efforts on behalf of the health care industry and mortgage giant Freddie Mac.

“He’s been on a lot of different sides on all the issues,” Paul told ABC’s Jon Karl today. “He may be the opposite of what I’ve been doing for 30 years. My positions haven’t changed all that much.”

While Gingrich has led Republicans in Washington as Speaker of the House in the 1990s, Paul has often been a thorn in their side, unyielding in his support for a radical downsizing of the federal government. Paul unveiled a budget proposal in October which cuts $1 trillion from the federal government in the first year.


Paul, who served in the House of Representatives with Gingrich for seven years – one while Gingrich was Speaker, gave the current GOP front-runner credit for “devis[ing] some strategies” while he led the House, but said he “falls short on leadership” in seeing those ideas through. {Read More}

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With Herman Cain gone it seems natural Ron Paul would pick up Cain supporters. Herman Cain, a successful business man, Washington outsider, and independent thinker was a maverick in his own right. Every bit much as Representative Paul has always been.

One of the best articles I have seen on this subject is by Wes Messamore who blogs at The Humble Libertarian, The Left Coast Rebel, and The RevoluTimes His analysis is free flowing and flawless.

W ith Herman Cain out of the race, his supporters are looking for a new home. Which of the remaining GOP candidates should they now support? Who would best exemplify their values, address their concerns, and forge the kind of future they envision for America? Could the answer be any more clear? Ron Paul would make the best choice for them out of the remaining presidential hopefuls.

Here are nine reasons why (see what I did there?):

1. Anti-Establishment – Cain’s supporters liked that he was anti-establishment. Out of the remaining candidates, which one would you describe as the most anti-establishment? Certainly not Newt Gingrich, the very definition of a Washington-insider, who’s made millions in lobbying fees working for the U.S. government. Neither Mitt Romney, whose campaign coffers are thick with funds from wealthy Wall Street friends. Only Ron Paul, who has always stood against the establishment, even when it was unpopular, could fairly be described as anti-establishment. Ending up on the losing side of enough 434-1 votes earns you the right to claim that title. Tired of Congress? Pick the candidate who has gone against Congress the most.

2. Limited-Government – Cain’s supporters tend to support limited government. Which remaining candidate would best carry out their wishes as president? Not Newt Gingrich. He had his chance at the helm of this republic’s federal policies and what did we get? As Cato Institute president Ed Crane noted in 2000: “the combined budgets of the 95 major programs that [Gingrich's] Contract with America promised to eliminate have increased by 13%.” We certainly can’t trust Mitt Romney either, who introduced socialized medicine to Massachusetts as governor and whose health care model formed the basis for ObamaCare. There’s only Ron Paul, who has never voted to raise taxes, never voted for an unbalanced budget, never voted to raise congressional pay, and has been repeatedly named the “Taxpayers’ Best Friend” in Congress.

The preceding is just a sample. Please read the rest here.

Via: Memorandum


  1. I don't think Cain supporters will go with Paul. Some disaffected Gingrich and Romney supporters, yes, but not so much Cain. Cain appealed to an odd amalgam of supporters. Not many libertarians were thrilled with him. That, and he's stupid. He's just had a lucky ride and thinks he actually built the limousine.

    Paul is extremely intelligent - with all the eccentricities that go with that. Gingrich is a "Professor of Idiocy" - a puerile, amateurish, boring pseudo-intellectual compared to Paul.

    That's why he distanced himself from Cain, and that's why he's going after Gingrich's supporters.

    It's smart and it may get him far yet... But even if the two-race race becomes Paul/Romney, Romney will get the nomination. It would take a delegate revolution in the GOP Convention to override the determination of the GOP establishment.

    It's stupid, really, as Paul would make an amazing candidate. He would certainly open up the debate in this country in ways we haven't seen since the early days of the Republic.


  2. jmj - Perhaps you are right. The smart Cain supporters may support Paul. In my view the home of Paul would be a darn sight more hospitable than Newties.

    As for Romney, both sides will be burnt before too long with all his flip flops.

    As to a delegate revolution... Well, all I can say is that may likely be most welcomed by the reasonable, rational and principled members of the republican party and their delegates.

  3. Well, I was saying the only "smart" (wink, wink) Cain supporters will go with Gingrich or Romney. In other words, those supporters were looking for a winner more than a substantive candidate. Look man, and I think you'd agree, if the grass-roots right and libertarians in this country really held sway in the GOP, Paul would have been the nominee months ago - years ago! And they make up a majority of GOP voters! Yet we went through the ineptitude of Cain and Trump and Bachmann and Perry and _____(?), and still we have Romney, and now Gingrich (of all people) leading the pack. Where's Paul?


    He has to go after Gingrich but it will seriously agitate the internationalist establishment right.

    It is the Democratic party that is only slightly less internationalist. Those are the choices.

    If Paul had the money, and he could flood the air, he could win as a third party candidate. If he's really in this to win this in the GOP, he has to take down Gingrich. And he could do it. Gingrich can not out debate Paul.


  4. Kudos to Mr. Paul (and the others) for not being a part of that Donald Trump 3-ring circus, and shame on Gingrich and Santorum for participating (seriously, though, how much more ridiculous can the process get?).

  5. JMJ,

    You said:
    "If Paul had the money, and he could flood the air, he could win as a third party candidate."

    I find it refreshing that Ron Paul is not some uber-millionaire with money to burn simply to get elected through a strategy of flooding the airwaves with his name. (100 million dollars Michael Bloomberg, anyone?)

    Ron Paul says what he says and lets it speak for itself. Unlike the other GOP golden boys of Romney and Newt, who need the media to do their legwork.

    Ron Paul 2012.

    Notice I was polite, JMJ. Do not call me retarded or a moron, as you have done on Western Hero.


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