The Producers and the Takers

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism We are one nation, with common values and principles that set us apart from the rest of the world. Or so I have chosen to believe for over 50 years. Call me the old fashioned reactionary village idiot if you like. Go ahead, I am used to it from the progressive collectivists. The fact is I am damn proud of being given that moniker by them. Truth be known {and I don't mean Truth 101 } I really don't care what progressive collectivists think of my values and principles, or the political views I hold. I'm good with them and that is all that matters. Frankly I don't care because I, just like each and every one of the progressive/statists know I am right. Since any rational value system must be based on objectivity, rather than emotionalism, the left always loses on purely logical and rational grounds. However, don't bother to attempt a rational discussion with them on this point becaus...