Racist Allegations From the Progressive Left Against Rational Nation USA

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

While visiting progressive Blogistan over the last two weeks the issue of racism was, as usual, a topic of discussion. Engaging in said debate {discussion} one particular, and irrational progressive determined that I would have been a slave holder back in the day when that abhorrent practice was the order of the day in some geographic regions.

It seems that my response to the question of President Obama's citizenship, and his religious {spiritual} proclivity, was the foundation upon which this particular individual I am referring to based their judgement. Not wishing to engage in a flame war so to speak, I will not name the site or the individual to whom I am referring. My purpose is to present a personal example that in my opinion personifies the rabid progressive thought on the issue.

RN USA's Comment:
I do not know Obama loves his country. I hope he does. If Obama loves his country so did Bush. It's just a matter of who hates who. And the left is filled with hate for Bush. I on the other hand do NOT hate Obama, I just vehemently disagree with many {although not all} of his policy decisions. There are more qualified Black Americans out there that I hope run for the presidency. Would be nice if a true conservative with the ability to see the military industrial complex is on the cutting table along with domestic programs.

I for one am not sure Obama isn't a Muslim, but I'll take him at him word. if he were a Muslim that truly had this countries best interests at heart I wouldn't give a rat's behind if he were Muslim. As long as he was a US citizen, which by the way I believe he is.

As to dem's in general, I have never doubted that there are 10's of millions that love their country. Just like 10's of millions republicans, libertarians, conservatives, moderates love theirs. As to labels here's my take.... Demicans and Republicrats. It seems to me in many ways the parties merely prop each other up so as to maintain power.

Give me a good independent conservative and a good classical liberal any day of the week and I would get along with both! Great heated debate's on political philosophy and governance might happen but I suspect "republiscums" or "libtards" wouldn't be sprinkled in the vocabulary.

As I said hucksters on the right and hucksters on the left. Perhaps both major parties ought to focus on improving their performance.

 The OTHER individuals comment:
RN's cultist, blind following of Rand is an example of what's wrong with Americans. They follow, without questioning, or really knowing what the hell they are even supporting. 
And worse, think one ideology, or person has all the correct answers.
That's even worse than a Republican who has doubts about the varasity of his party, but supports them anyways.
But what can be expected of one (RN) is low life enough to attack blogs and instruct his minions to attack blogs (my blog for one) that's a good example of his brainwashed beliefs.

RN USA's response:
First Tom I instruct no one to attack any other blog, yours or anyone else's. If a differing opinion upsets you, well, I fell sorry for you. That's all.

Another point, I have no minions. However, I suppose there are those who agree with me, as there are those who agree with you.

Have a nice Day.

The OTHER individuals response:

Indeed you did attack my blog, the evidence is in the archives of my blog.
Some of the people on this thread saw it, and called you out on it at the time. And indeed some of the regular visitors to your blog, came to my blog with nothing but nasty words for me. Nothing to do with the post, or having never been to my blog before. 
And if Democracy Central lets you write for their blog, well that's why I canceled my Democracy Central membership. 
Guys like you and Bluepitbull go around attacking blogs, yet, some blogs allow them to post. That's their business. I will point out when I see your comments, that you are nothing but a blog trol, insincere trouble maker, and asshole. 
By the way, which party candidates did you vote for in national elections the last 30 years? 
There is/was no Rand party, and facts of History tell us who is responsible for the mess we have. Blaming both sides is easy for someone (you) being insincere and ducking the issues. You are an ideological, political wimp. Don't know if Obama is a Muslim? How stupid are you? 
You are a racist. 
As most racists today, trying (unsuccessfully) to sound reasonable.

RN USA's response to another commenter but really directed at all:
I first want to express that I do not question your intellectual honesty. One of my favorite bloggers is Pamela. I value her insight and she has told me on more than one occasion you are a fine liberal with great integrity. I now now this to be so.

I cannot answer as to why Huckabee or Palin, or anyone else who professes a conservatism I find repulsive act as they do. I can onlt state I shall not support them.

I am an independent conservative that has black friends as well as black people working for me. You can choose to believe this or not. 
One of the greatest honors I have ever had the privilege to experience is when a family of a black man who worked for me asked me to speak at his retirement. I was among the group of 3 other "white" people in attendance. What does that say about me? You be the judge. 
When Lee Andrews Johnson gave me a huge bear hug following my remarks I was honored. I had nothing to gain by my agreeing to speak other than to honor a fellow employee of the company we both worked for. That and acknowledge  his exemplary and unselfish military service he had given this country for 25 years of his VALUABLE life. ...., you be the judge. I stand proud. Please never lecture me on racism. I shall find it my duty henceforth to turn the tables on you. Nuff said?

The OTHER individuals final comment:
RN is a perfect example of today's greedy, selfish generation who haven't got a clue about the History of, or the blood shed by those who fought for the best wages, benefits, and thus lifestyle enjoyed by any people on Earth. 
RN's support of conservative politics, policies, and politicians has destroyed unions, the American middle class, and America's economy. 
Move to China and live in a country where you can work 12 hours a day and make 5 bucks a day. 
Had he lived in the 18th century, I'm sure RN would have been a slave holder.
RN, sit down and write a check to the union of your choice, and thank them for the lifestyle you enjoy living and working in America.
There is much more I chose not to print here. Only because if I had done so this post would have been so long few would have read it. The few excerpts I selected represent the ideological dishonesty that is prevalent in the rabid progressive who simply hates any idea or person that may be in disagreement with his or her own views and beliefs. Having said this, I recognize there are progressives that can and do engage in honest dialogue and exchange of relevant  ideas. They are just few and far between.

For anyone wishing to peruse the sights I am referring to you can get the link by sending an e-mail to Rational Nation USA requesting said links. My time in progressive Blogistan proved to be quite productive and invigorating for an independent conservative.

It reminded me why I will NEVER become a modern political progressive.


  1. Good for you for holding your ground, and your tongue Les.

    I found long ago that you can never sway someone with an intellectual argument if they don't want to take part in it or have a reasonable rebuttal. In cases like this the other party will simply resort to name calling and cast aspersions against your character as a way to make up for their inability to counter your position or for their obvious lack of intelligence.

  2. "RN's support of conservative politics, policies, and politicians has destroyed unions, the American middle class, and America's economy."

    Unions have nothing to do with the middle class. The middle class is made of people working for and earning an honest living.

    Unions have only destroyed themselves: fewer and fewer people choose to be in them, and the rightful number of union members in the US would be much smaller than it is now if not for the fact that large numbers of people are forced to be in unions against their will.

    "Move to China and live in a country where you can work 12 hours a day and make 5 bucks a day."

    Perhaps the union bosses should move there and stop bullying and robbing US workers and destroying industry. Then maybe we can keep our industry in the US.

  3. Gotta be thick skinned I guess. Been called unpatriotic myself for being a liberal, as well as stupid. I'm an ex Army officer, Dugway WMDs, pentagon missile command, my oldest daughter taught at West Point, my son in law served in Iraq and I spent my career researching explosives and ammunition, much of it for the military. So of course, I'm insulted...and I understand your frustration. Bloggers thrive on relative anonymity and I suspect would be much more agreeable over a beer. That said, I have not seen
    any of your work that could be considered racist.

  4. If he (Tom) were an isolated case, that would be bad enough. But he isn't. The blogosphere is loaded with angry/close-minded (total agreement - that's what they really want) liberals like this. In fact, I myself have been referred to as a "Reich winger" on numerous occasions.....and I don't even consider myself all that conservative. Pretty scary, no?

  5. Les, anecdotes are like @$$#@!!$. 'Know what I mean?


  6. Les,

    So the left has you pegged: You are so obviously a slave-owning white GOP racist who hates America.


    As if!

    I don't know why you continue to frequent these liberal sites, Les. You know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result each time.

    Have you gone insane, Les, and we are finally noticing it? :) You are a rational man. You are. What do you possibly have to speak about with irrational emotion-driven intention-focusing liberals? What? Nothing, Les. You have spent too long wallowing in their crap. Sometimes you just gotta cut and run, my sir. These liberals should be thanking you for even giving them the time of day.

    Are all liberals idiots? Of course not. But a person would be hard-pressed to find one.

    You is alright with me, Mistah Les. You have my respect and admiration, to be sure.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  7. Obviously, a majority of Americans believe that Barack Obama is qualified to be President, that he does love his country, which is the same country that we all love, and that he was born in the United States....and his approval ratings are at the same levels in his term as those of prior Presidents.

    As far as Tom goes, its obvious that he engages Kurt and Les every chance he gets all over the internet and yet he claims that he cancelled his membership at Democracy Central because of the fact that Democracy Central allows for Les and Kurt to comment....

    Seems to me that if he did not want to associate with any internet property that allows Les and Kurt to comment then he would not be on the internet at all because he seems to only comment on any internet property that does allows Les and Kurt to comment....

  8. @TAO,

    >>Seems to me that if he did not want to associate with any internet property that allows Les and Kurt to comment then he would not be on the internet at all because he seems to only comment on any internet property that does allows Les and Kurt to comment....

    Oh, the irony! :) We agree, TAO. Ohmygosh! Did I just agree with TAO? My goodness...

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  9. As they say, opposites attract...

    Oh, and Donald, its good to see that you are enjoying a flash of brillance this morning! It really made your day to agree with me didn't it. :)

  10. @ Donald - Ah my friend, you said....

    "I don't know why you continue to frequent these liberal sites, Les. You know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result each time.

    Have you gone insane, Les, and we are finally noticing it? :) You are a rational man. You are. What do you possibly have to speak about with irrational emotion-driven intention-focusing liberals? What? Nothing, Les. You have spent too long wallowing in their crap. Sometimes you just gotta cut and run, my sir. These liberals should be thanking you for even giving them the time of day."

    While on some level I agree that 'these liberal ought to thank me for giving them the time of day' I visit their sites precisely because no one has all the answers. Therefore I visit in case they may actually offer some reasoned thought process I have overlooked.

    One can learn even from the RATIONAL progressives amongst us. They may be few and far between. However they do exist. Therefor being the rational man as you said I am I must seek out all possible knowledge wherever it may be found.

    REASON, RATIONALITY, LOGIC, NON EMOTIONALISM...this is where the truth is generally found.

    We all should state our opinions. And argue them forcefully as well.

    Keeping an open mind and admitting error in the face of substantiated facts is the mark of integrity.

    Sadly too few on the left, and the right as well, exhibit the ability to do so.

    I now wait patiently for response to my comment from both the "right" and the "left."

    Wondering which side of the divide will respond first. If at all.

    .... BIFF ....

  11. @TAO,

    You just had to go there, didn't you? Smart-a$$. LOL!

    Sure, sure, your brilliance made my day, okay.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  12. I cancelled my account with Democracy Central because RN and his buddies attacked my blog. The proof is on my blog. Let Rn say whatever lies he wants, But TAO, I have no respect for someone who would allow gest posts from a blog attacking troll. That's on you Mr. Know it all. Didn't bothe r to check my blog to see if it was true, RN and his buddies attacked my blog. Now, keep defending this troll TAO and others.

  13. Demarks said,

    "Unions have nothing to do with the middle class"

    Go back to your parents basement watching Star Trek, then blog about it Dmarks.

    You have no clue what built the great middle class in America.

  14. I encourage anyone who has the time to visit the blog of the directly above commenter and peruse the content. Then judge for yourself.

    The directly above commenter's response to dmarks comments is indicative of a certain personality/mentality that demands conformity to it's way of thinking.

    Thanks for sharing commenter.

  15. Tom said:

    "You have no clue what built the great middle class in America."

    Working people. Working and getting paid for the real value of their work. Only a few of which are union members.

    it certainly wasn't the unions, who gain reward not by working, but by loafing. Which protect the worst incompetent workers from being fired.

    After all, it wasn't unions that made Hoover Dam.

    If you want to see what unions do, look at the big snowstorms late last year on the East Coast. The unions had workers sleep in, crippling the city, even causing deaths.

    Speaking of having no clue, Tom. Did you check the facts and now withdraw your claim that Toyota pays no taxes?

    Did you look at the real debt numbers and find out there was no Clinton surplus?

    Going to check? Or run away this time and talk about Star Trek?

    It gets tiresome when I point out the well documented facts, and all you can say is "Star Trek".

    And, with the repeated line bashing Asian workers, I am starting to wonder if you are racist.


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