The White House Tax Deal and Obama's Future

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

It appears those that advocated a strong stance for extending the Bush era tax cuts turned out to be right. With the deal cut with the White House the Republicans have secured their prime objective {for now} and insured revisiting the issue during the 2012 election cycle.

The deal succeeded in putting Obama at further odds with his progressive base. The result? Possibly putting his reelection bid in jeopardy. A prospect that has some {including me} no doubt delighted.

Following are excerpts from The Hill.
President Obama could be crippling his own reelection effort by making a deal with Republicans to extend all of the Bush-era tax cuts, Democratic strategists and liberal groups said Monday.
A two-year extension of tax rates ushered in by President George W. Bush nearly a decade ago, would ensure a resumption of today’s fiery debate in 2012, when Obama is expected to reapply for his job, strategists in both parties said.
It also is angering the left wing of the Democratic Party, which already has a long list of complaints about Obama.
The compromises by the White House have also disappointed liberals in the House and Senate, who have pushed Obama to take a tougher line with the GOP. Some liberals had said it would be better for Obama to allow all of the tax cuts to expire rather than cave to GOP demands and allow tax cuts for the wealthy to be extended.
 “It’s ultimately a question of whether Democrats believe their own rhetoric,” said one Senate GOP aide. “They seem to think that Americans are OK with raising taxes on small businesses. Republicans disagree and would love to debate that notion anytime.
Read more on this hot issue here, and here, and finally here.

If this Republican/White House deal passes it will then be up to the supporters of the deal to to make it work for the broader American public. As in balancing the budget, trimming the deficit, and spurring manufacturing and job growth. Remember that after all is said and done, it's STILL the economy.



  1. "Tax cuts for the wealthy are the GOP's Holy Grail!" Barack Obama

    Really? So by that rationale, would it be okay to say that "Stripping the wealthy of their wealth is the Holy Grail for Democrats!"?

    Such idiocy and blatant Socialism. The Emperor has no clothes. He is a child in a man's world. He has forsaken the left. And now his party is pulling out their long knives to make their point.

    2012? I'll go on record right now and say that Obama will be "politely asked" to step down and let a "better" Democrat in to run for President.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

    Oh, and, some of us are taking notes. I shall not forget this come 2012. If I had wanted class warfare and Socialism, I would have moved to Venezuela.

  2. Donald - I sense a move to the center with Obama. It is not uncommon for a President to move to the center after ascending to the office and being forced to confront the realities that they represent ALL the people. 2010 sowed that with clarity to Obama.

    Of course given he started so far left where he ultimately ends will still be out in left field somewhere.

    Obama may face a primary challenge from within his party, but he won't step down. He will not will not give up power without a fight.

    At least that's my take.


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