Eight Year Cost of Iraq War Less Than 2009 Stimulus Package

By: Les Carpenter III Rational Nation USA The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released some very interesting numbers with respect to the cost of the Iraq war compared to the cost of the stimulus bill passed by the Democratic led Congress in 2009. CBO numbers published this month in the Budget and Economic Outlook put the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom at $709 billion. This cost includes military operations as well as the cost of training Iraqi forces and the cost of diplomatic operations. Estimated (projected) costs for the stimulus package passed in February 2009 was $862 billion. The expected "shelf" life of the stimulus package is two years. And there is serious consideration in some circles that more stimulus will be needed. The United States deficit for 2010 is expected to come in at 1.3 trillion dollars according to the CBO. A huge increase over the 2007 deficit of $160.7 billion and a 2008 shortf...