Obama Defending Insurance Mandate as Tax

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

Remember back when ObamaCare collectivism was being debated?  Recall that the"One", and his Democrat minions, declared that the mandate to purchase health care was not a tax? Surprise! Now that the progressive collectivist have won another for the books they are switching the tune.

The Obama administration is now declaring in open court the mandate requiring  an individual to purchase health insurance, scheduled to take effect in 2014, is simply an exercise of the government's "power to lay and collect taxes." In addition, their belief is that this power exceeds even the federal government power to regulate interstate commerce.

In a brief filed by the Justice Department in response to the challenges in court by over twenty states ans several private concerns the Obama administration takes the position the mandate to purchase health care coverage is "a valid exercise" of Congress's power to impose taxes. The department said the Congress can use its taxing power "even for purposes that would exceed its power under other provisions" of the Constitution.

Here is what Obama had to say earlier during the debates over collectivist ObamaCare in an interview with G. Stephanopoulos on ABC's program "This Week."

"For us to say that you've got to take responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase." When Mr. Stephanopoulos stated, referring to a dictionary,  the mandate appeared to fit the definition of a tax the President replied, "I absolutely reject that notion." 

Okay, first it was not a tax. Now that the collectivist Obamacare is law it is suddenly a tax  the Congress has every right and power to levy. Whew, I guess when you are "Obama the One" your only principle need be one that furthers your agenda. Even if that means being disingenuous or down right dishonest

I don't know if I am correct here. But I am certainly seeing the dark shadow of increasing statist progressive collectivism and it's belief that the tax payers money is the really the governments and therefor they have the right and power to tax whatever the H they so determine is appropriate.

Read the full content of the article in Money & Policy...The New York Times.

Cross posted at  Left Coast Rebel.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Thinking people knew this would happen. Obama's Progressive, statist lawyers scoured the issue and determined the Interstate Commerce Clause route would not work, so they found a different loophole.

    Progressives of both parties have turned our government into a monster that devours the human soul by perverting our founding documents.

    Think Goya's Saturn Devouring His Young

  2. Silver - Thinking people did know this would happen, as the nation sleeps (figuratively and literally) their is a stealth socialist revolution taking place.

    By hook or crook.

    Les - great content today, feel free to snipe my 'misleader' graphic for this post!

  3. I would have thought that requiring health insurance, much like requiring auto insurance so people would be responsible for their bills, would have been a hit with you All American, personal responsibility loving anti statist guys.

    When Nixon brought national health care up around forty years ago I bet you guys would have been all for. You all loved the new Homeland Security Dept.

    The spirit of Ken lat lives in the hearts and minds of righties everywhere. Do whatever you want. Lie like hell and donate to right wing candidates who will make sure government doesn't hold you accountable. Unless of course you sold some pot. Then you get 5 to 20 years.

  4. Maybe if this admin was actually showing some interest in doing something about jobs and the economy instead of trying to control everything they might have gotten more support but the more they legislate these bills that "nobody knows whats in them" the more people are turned off and disgusted.
    Obama puts in a recess apt to oversee Medicaid and Medicare with out a hearing even by his own party who stated their will be rationing and the way they are bankrupting this country that rationing may even be worse than the rationing the Britain NHS has that he is so romantic about.
    I so look forward to waitng 6 months for a root canal by some goverment paid butcher. Because as it is less people want to be doctors beause they don't aspire to be Medicaid doctors.
    So what we wil get are 2nd rate doctors like the ones who would otherwise make it with a store front office.
    The libs just won't believe it till it happens to them.

  5. Truth - I believe with certainty you have the liars confused.

    Mo go talk to the Chairman. Or better yet... The progressive collectivist liar in chief Obama Man.

  6. Government spending is what kept the economy from going into freefall.

    I'm not saying there was no waste because I agree with RN in his, at least as I perceive, Washington is full of liars. But we also see much of that money has been paid back. Government ain't all bad folks.

  7. Tim and Kurt - Yes thinking people did know... That is what is so perplexing.

    Thanks for the use of the 'misleader' graphics!

  8. lisa - It is possible that we may end up with "government" doctors that are paid by the state and their patient load determined by the bureaucratic monster in DC.

  9. Truth - Open your eyes. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are bankrupting this once economic powerhouse that was the envy of the world.

    Obama is free wheeling us closer to the edge of the last cliff.

    His progressive collectivist redistribute the wealth mentality and his Keynesian buy in is going to have dire consequences.

    I see Greece in our future if things don't change soon.

    Sorry, I just don't see the picture you see. And while government ain't all bad it is growing ever more so with each passing regulation and ever growing Leviathan control over our lives.

    Perhaps when it is too late, and we actually are facing the collapse of our current house built on sand the progressive collectivists will look up and finally understand.

    The founders understood, so did Rand. In fact many have.

    Who is John Galt?

  10. Progressive see things through rose colored glasses when it concerns this administration.
    Problem is the real pain hasn't hit yet between the health care bill and the financial reform bill and all the lies and hidden costs that are unraveling and still yet to unravel and when we have to pay back all that interest on our debt.
    What the heck let's ad the cap and trade tax onto that if these progs in DC get their dream of imposing all their collective wills on us.
    I don't know who I miss more Bush or Carter.


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