More on Sharron Angle in Nevada: Crazy Ideas!

by the Left Coast Rebel

The previous post introduced you to Sharron Angle in Nevada, the Republican that won the party's nod to run against 'Dingy' Harry Reid last night. As I wrote, the libtard/Democrat government/media complex is taking the low road and painting Angle as a 'whacko' instead of debating what she actually stands for.

Those being such 'crazy!' ideas as these (via Moonbattery):

Give Young Workers the Choice of Opting Out of Social Security: Why is this any crazier then pretending Social Security is totally solvent and whistling past the graveyard? An economy in freefall can't support the Social Security Ponzi scheme anyway, so if the choice is between phasing it out or letting it collapse, I choose... phase it out.

Abolish the Department of Education: Why the heck not? SRSLY! The DeptEd does nothing but provide employment to bureaucrats and throw money around that it can't even keep track of. It contributes nothing to the quality of American Education. Return education to local control, re-privatize student loans, and if it turns out the DeptEd does anything worthwhile, farm it out to other agencies. We can no longer afford giant useless bureaucracies in this country, and eliminating this behemoth would reduce the deficit by $70 Billion.

She Supports the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository. Nevada is all NIMBY about this project, but the fact remains, we have to put the cocky-doody nuclear waste somewhere, since Jimmy Carter decided it would be illegal for us to recycle it into more nuclear fuel like France and Japan do.

She Wants the US out of the UN: Two responses to this, "Yes," and "Hell Yes!" The UN is corrupt and useless at best, dangerous and deadly at worst. Like the Dept of Education, it exists for the sole purpose of employing bureaucrats, wasting money, and providing a forum for America-hating whackjobs to pontificate.

Crazy, I tell you! No wonder the Democrat/media complex is going for the 'crazy' card with this woman. What's next, the raaaaacist card?


  1. I see why the dems don't like her. How DARE she want the government to be run with common sense!

  2. I like her. Her kookiness, she thinks only one parent should be allowed to work outside the home, among other kooky things, means you guys will have Harry Reid for another six years.


  3. Truth - I'll bet you $20 on that, do you have a Paypal acct?

  4. No paypal but I'll take that bet. If you're concerned about you anonymity I'll send it through RN if he's willing. Not that i'm going to lose mind you.

    God help you if Chairman TAO sees this. He operates at a different economic level than I do.

  5. Truth - The bet is on, I'm good for it...


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