The More Things Change The More Reality Stays the Same

Perhaps some old stuff, but we all need a reminder now and again. Wouldn't want to call our President a liar, but then again a club is a club. Used to force compliance for ones views and misguided agenda. And that includes using untruths.

Gotta love this one. Could it be America's future under Obama and his "ism's?"

Sure sounds like an expert to me. You?

On the following I guess our profound leader has achieved his mission. He said that we need to be excited and engaged in government again and in what works. Little did he know that his words will work more AGAINST his vision than for his vision. And that my friends will eventually be a great thing for American.

And this from the guy who never had a real job, met a payroll, or created anything of value. Unless of course one considers community organizing of real value.

Real hope, change, and value is this:

Acceptance of individual responsibility for oneself.

Realizing that self worth is gained by self reliance.

Understanding that success comes from having tried, failed and tried again, as many times as it takes. Without depending on big brother government to bail you out.

Realizing that individualism is what makes one special, not collectivism.

Understanding that government when limited, and when it allows for the ingenuity of the private sector to work free of regulatory strangulation a higher standard of living is created for all.

Knowing that government needs to be held in question, not in blind awe and obediance.

When objective reality is accepted as the norm rather than the exception.

And now Rational Nation USA leaves with this;

It sometimes seems the more things change, the more reality stays the same.


  1. Your writing and case are well presented Rational Nation Man. I hope you don't mind a liberal signing up as a follower.

  2. Not at all Truth. I am honored you think my small blog wroth following.

    I have known many liberal thinkers over my time as a conservative and found a certain respect for their views and opinions. Even when I disagreed.

    Thank you for following and comment whenever you like.

  3. I promise to behave myself. I can't say the same for some of my fellow lefties. I'm sure you know how to handle troublemakers though.
    Success to you Rational Nation Man.

  4. I wonder, sir, how the masses might react today if a candidate for president used Ronald Reagan's words, "Government is the problem." Chances are a large portion of the population would use this as evidence of the candidate's "extremism", "hatred of poor people", "racism", etc. How things have changed.

  5. Truth - I am sure you will. And Thanks for your good wishes.

    El Cerdo - And so it has come to pass, the progressive - socialist movement has, tainted our national Psyche.

    With hard work, a good conservative candidate in 2012, and some luck we may salvage our republic for a bit longer.


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