Fighting Socialism - Then and Now

I received this cartoon from a friend via e-mail. Very apropos.

This carton was in the Chicago Tribune in 1934

Look carefully at the plan of action in the lower left corner.

Remember the adage: "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it."


During the 1930's there was a world wide socialist/communist movement. While still in it's relative infancy in the 1930's, it was growing and continues to do so today.

There are forces at work globally, as well as internally within the United States of America, to bring the capitalist system crashing down. Capitalism with its concept of personal property rights has been the only system ever devised capable of creating wealth and raising the standard of living for the masses.

Those that understand this must increase our efforts to thwart the insidious evil that is inherent in socialism. Socialism is, at its core, institutionalized altruism and is based on the premise that the interests of the collective  exceeds those of the individual. This is something each of us should consider, and not be influenced by the milk toast and lofty rhetoric used by socialism/statism proponents. Not the least of whom  is our smooth talking President Barrach Hussein Obama.

Time is running out for the America, and with it our opportunity to regain our proper place and role in the world. That role is to stand strong for individual rights, capitalism and personal property rights, liberty for all, and the right to speak our minds politically, no matter how offensive some may find it.


  1. We all need to be aware of this problem. From the government trying to control the thermostats in our houses (yes there are bills on this, California was the first), to trying to force government based unions and driving out companies that treat their employees well, to creating new government schools, socialism is coming on like a tidal wave. Don't be intimidated. Get involved; we can vote out government; we still have free speech and we can influence change in this country.

  2. Well put Anon,

    The larger picture is to preserve freedom of speech and thought.

    Secondary is to preserve the right to 1) be an individual, 2) preserve the right to act in your self interest, 3) engage in free market capitalism, 4)renounce the onslaught of collectivism and act accordingly, 5) act in civil discordance when one believes their government is acting unethically.

    We are fast losing our national identity as a result of accepting multiculturalism, the diversity standard, and politically correct thinking as determined by the "ruling elite."

    it is time to take America back to liberty, freedom of speech, fierce individualism, self reliance, free market capitalism, limited government, and the fiscal sanity that at onetime made America a great and powerful economic giant.


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