America In Peril...


Not since the Civil War has this nation been so divided. As I look around today it seems as if the divisions of one hundred and sixty years ago remain today. Yes, racism and social injustice does reman intertwined in our national fabric. Whether one wishes to acknowledge it or not.

Donald J. Trump, as bad and incompetent as a leader as he was, did not cause the divisions that divide us. They have been festering below the surface since our nation's bloody Civil War ended.  But he did recognize the depths of the divisions and he saw great political opportunity in exploiting them to achieve his political aspirations.

His ability to recognize the divisions and then exploit them through the continual repetition (see inculcate) of  lies and baseless conspiracy theories was the fuel he threw on the fire that started the blaze that culminated in the insurrection and attempt to overthrow the government on January 6, 2021.

DJT is out of office. Fired by the American people in a landslide free, fair, and secure selection. An election that was certified by all fifty states. But the deep loyalty (cult like loyalty) that DJT was able to develop in his base and the republican party, both national and state, will be around for a very long time.

As more and more is uncovered about the plot to overthrow the federal government it is becoming crystal clear this nation is far closer to widespread nationwide political, social, and economic unrest and violence than some of us perhaps realized. And those who wish to overturn our democracy and democratic republic are unlikely to decide to stop because President Biden and the Democrats are calling for unity.

Following is a post comment that I left at Progressive Eruptions earlier today. It sums up what is clearly a possible scenario in this once great beacon of hope for all who long for democracy and liberty/freedom.


Blogger Rational Nation USA said...

Hopefully the SOB will be dead in a year or two. Eaten up by his own hatred for decency, truth, facts, democracy, and the American Republic.

This nation is in GRAVE peril. Forces of immeasurable hatred for our system of governance (democratic self rule) have been unleashed by a goddamn sociopath and his enablers in government (the GOP), his cultists (both religious and secular), and the rightwing pro conspiracy media.

This is NOT going to change. It is NOT going to go away. It is NOT going to relent. We ARE staring down the barrel of potential great social unrest and violence. ALL THE RESULT OF A RACIST, NARCISSISTIC DEMAGOGUE and A POWER HUNGRY AUTHORITARIAN POLITICAL PARTY, the GD GOP.

America has been severely damaged by a lying pathetic POS and IMO it will take a generation or two to MAYBE turn things around. And, keep in mind it may NEVER happen. These people have been programed and they are crazy to their core.

January 27, 2021 at 12:52 PM



  1. It is unbelievable that in the age of Qanonazis that otherwise decent Americans have flocked to the idea of totalitarianism. So much so, that the reasons are obscure, almost beyond comprehension. It may be
    that the well known Orwellian Brainwash, the Big Lie, the repitition until lies are truth and truth is lies, black is white, good is bad and science is fiction, like a corona virus infects them. Not in the lungs, but the psyche. Since Trump utilized the concept, we might term it the Trumpian Lobotomy corollary of the Orwell Brainwash. And so some congressmen and some senators likewise infected, legitimize
    the likes of Josh Hawley and Marjorie Taylor Greene: who refuse to accept reality, who disgrace the halls of congress and debase the human species. We recall the Dark Ages, when thousands of innocents were savagely immolated by their ignorant neighbors...and ponder the cyles of History.

    1. I have pondered long that which you so eloquently note here. And two things keep replaying in my psyche since the fateful election of Thr Grat Orange Excrement. 1) That there is nothing new that hasn't been done before, and 2) that history keeps repeating itself.

      Why 70,000,000+ Americans voted for athoritarianism, the leader of a cult of personality, to legitimize lies and conspiracy theories, division, and ultimately sedition and insurrection is nothing short of astonishing.

      Frankly BB Idaho, it is now my belief that the USA is finished as it was known and understood for 244 years. The nation has tRump The Great Orange Excrement to thank for this when it happens. And it will, just as it did in Germany. It is my certainly my hope that I've left this world before total complete rightwing tryanny is tghe nation's reality.

      Perhaps this nation has devolved into where it currently finds itself because of the failure of the citizens of the nation to insure that every person, and I DO mean EVERY person received a high school degree. Also the higher education gurus have failed IMO to insure a balanced and fully truthful discussion on economics, politics and goverance, and science and phlosophy.

      At any rate it is what it is. And, It stinks to high heaven.

  2. We are not children. We know that President Biden spends most of his time “resting”.
    We also know that government will be run by his “Handlers ” and especially by Kamala.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for activating a third brain cell peterish. You're really pushing the limits of your obviously spent intellect. It must hurt.


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