President Obama Finally Accepts Responsibilty. The Question, for What Exactly...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Obama, the Responsibly Man

President Obama is finally acknowledgiong responsibilty for his almost four years in office. Rational Nation USA has never said the President is a "bad" person, that he is unpatriotic, or doesn't love his country.

While many left leaning bloggers and commenters with an agenda will take issue with the preceding statement the fact remains Rational Nation USA has only taken issue with the President's performance and his political philosophy. Which is, as all reasonable people realize, is fair and proper game. At least as long as we live in a free nation, or should I say semi free? I'll leave it at that...

Even though the President's acknowledgement that "the buck stops at his desk" is perhaps a bit late in coming we should all appreciate that he has taken this step.

Of course reading his acknowledgement of responsibility I was somewhat taken aback by the statement from the President that said his "biggest disappointment" in his nearly four years in office has been the failure to oversee change in the nation's political climate. "My biggest disappointment is that we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked,"... This statement of course leaves the door wide open to the question, what exactly does the satement mean. For those of us in the camp that advocates constitutionally limited government and libertarian social philosophy it seems to be telling us he is acknowledging his failure at not successfully pushing the country further towards the progressive ideal of Marxian ideology and statist rule.

Here, for each individual to decide what the President is ACTUALLY saying is the report from CNN Politics. All emphasis is mine.
President Barack Obama discussed his frustration with gridlock in Washington, saying his "biggest disappointment" in his nearly four years in office has been the failure to oversee change in the nation's political climate.

"My biggest disappointment is that we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked," Obama said in a CBS News interview that aired Sunday.

Asked if he bears any blame for the stalemate, Obama said the buck stops at his desk.

"I think that, you know, as president I bear responsibility for everything, to some degree," he said on CBS' "60 Minutes."

Throughout the presidential campaign, Mitt Romney's campaign and Obama’s critics have dogged the president for failing to get certain legislation passed in recent years, while Team Obama responds by faulting congressional Republicans for not compromising.

The tension has especially heightened as Congress faces a looming, end-of-the-year deadline to avoid the "fiscal cliff," a massive amount of tax hikes and spending cuts set to take place at the beginning of 2013 if Congress fails to act. Lawmakers on both sides have already showed signs of firm partisan division on the issue.

Obama's comments aired days after the president drew criticism from Romney over separate remarks about change in Washington, comments that suggested a slight tweak in Obama's 2008 ideals of "hope" and "change."

"The most important lesson I've learned is that you can't change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside," Obama said Thursday afternoon at a presidential forum the candidate taped to run on the Spanish-language network Univision.

Within hours, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney seized on the remarks, argued Obama had thrown up the "white flag of surrender," and vowed to make that change, himself.

"His first two years he had a Democratic House, Democratic Senate, he got to do whatever the heck he wanted to, but he says he can't change it from the inside. Well, I will," Romney told a Sarasota, Florida, crowd. {Read More}

Of course being the cynic that I tend to be is Willard Mitt (The Human Flipper) Romney really saying he is going to effect the changes from within the system that Obama failed to make? If so doesn't this give pause to exactly what the Mittens and Human Flipper has for his real agenda? Rational Nation has long maintained Mittens is Obama Light and that his real agenda is to continue the statist progression of the last 100 plus years of our history. Thus the only real alternative in the support and advocacy of liberty is just a rational whisper in the drone of the American statist duopoly...

Via: Memeorandum


  1. "Rational Nation USA has never said the President is a "bad" person, that he is unpatriotic, or doesn't love his country."

    Then you have been "irrationally" kind.

    1. I strive not to make it personal. That and there is little that supports he is intentionally a "bad" person. Misguided and occasionally delusional perhaps, but "bad", I can't abide that characterization.

    2. I agree, Les. Romney and Obama are probably both decent chaps. Johnson just happens to be a better one, that's all.

  2. ""My biggest disappointment is that we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked,"... This statement of course leaves the door wide open to the question, what exactly does the statement(sic) mean. For those of us in the camp that advocates constitutionally limited government and libertarian social philosophy it seems to be telling us he is acknowledging his failure at not successfully pushing the country further towards the progressive ideal of Marxian ideology and statist rule."

    Well, it doesn't say that to me.

    It doesn't even leave any doubt.

    Obama is saying that the utterly silly, goofy, internationally embarrassing, obviously faux-grass-roots, wannabe frontiersman, tea party lunatic movement wrecked the congress. Congress is a disaster area. They get nothing done. And no, it's not the senate, unless you really believe all that "limited government" BS, in which case, you'd be happy with the senate anyway, right?

    The Silly Party - the GOP/Tea Party/Neocons - has been running strong in America for years now, and with a lot of help from those handy ideologues, the libertarians.

    It's getting old. Obama is only in this race, as we was the last, because the right wing in this country has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to offer. The same old tired ideas, played out over and over again, is not going to work. You have to think of something new. Going back to some imaginary, let alone real, past is NOT the answer.


    1. As you are so often prone to doing you have once again displayed your utter naivete as you drone on, the loyal and supportive ObamaBot soldier.

      Bravo for you jmj...


    2. JMJ said,

      "You have to think of something new. Going back to some imaginary, let alone real, past is NOT the answer."

      Socialism has failed every single time it's been tried, JMJ. Capitalism has worked every time it's given a chance. America is failing because of socialism. Something "new" is returning to Constitutional limited government and once and for all jettisoning our progressive/statist 100-year "experiment."

      If your eyes weren't so blood-shot and blurred from reading Think Progress, you might see the forest for the trees..

    3. "The same old tired ideas, played out over and over again, is not going to work"

      Actually? Even the ideas of the much-maligned George W. Bush are a lot better than what we have now. Much lower average unemployment, much lower gas prices, annual deficits a fraction of what we have now, far fewer countries with people in the streets screaming how they want to kill all Americans....

      Sorry, none of these ideas are "tired" to me.

    4. "...obviously faux-grass-roots..."

      The Tea Party movement was and is as grass roots as anything can be. That's the problem with you and others on the Left who don't understand this spontanenous, from the ground up movement. Because you are so ignorant about it, you conjure from thin air something like a conspiracy theory that others like the Koch brothers created it. When nothing can be further from the truth.

      read here for an accurate description of the history and nature of the Tea Party movement: which to this day sticks to its grass-roots origins and resists efforts of big money/big organizers to define and control it.

      "Congress is a disaster area. They get nothing done."

      In recent history, Congress is much more of a disaster area when it DOES get something done. The Congress before this is one rubber-stamped Obama's very destructive plan to ruin healthcare, and such terrible legislation as the stimulus (which resulted in more jobs lost.. but it did pay off Obama's cronies).

    5. Fine,

      Go ahead, dismiss me, guys.

      Lets see how far that gets you.

      There are millions and millions of Americans like me who appreciate your input but do not want to go all in with you. Why can't you ever find a middle ground? Why is it always black or white, red or blue, sectarian or secular, libertarian or liberal, "classical liberal" or "liberal" (as if there's a difference in context in the first place)?

      Why can't there be a confluence? A careful balance?

      Isn't that the definition of our republic? A confluence of ideas? Isn't THAT what made us great, as opposed to our own immediate selfish interests? WTF?


    6. Jersey,

      Haven't you learned yet that often it's better to do NOTHING than to do the WORNG thing?

      The great American humorist James Thurber, certainly no Tea Party-style Right Wing Activist, famously said:

      "He who hesitates, is sometimes SAVED."

      The complexion of our House of Representatives changed dramatically two years ago precisely BECAUSE the voting population thought congress had DONE far, far, far too MUCH -- and against the WILL of the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

      The very last thing we need to "DO" is even more DAMAGE.

      ~ FreeThinke

      ~ FreeThinke

    7. I for one do look for workable common ground, as I suppose you do as well jmj. Problem is the looney lefties give very little ground. They are always pushing the envelope to the out reaches of insanity, in my never humble opinion. Liberals are the perfect example of... It's either our way or the highway (no way). I make these as general statements and in the general sense they are true. There are certainly liberals that do not fit this general description. Occasionally common ground can be struck with them.

      The lefties are so quick to complain about conservatives calling liberals names. Well, the conservatives certainly don't have a monopoly on that one now do they? It gets tiring hearing the thin skinned liberals whine when they get treated exactly as they threat conservatives and libertarians.

      With IDIOTS like Racist Republican, Steve, and Anon, just to name the most egregious IDIOTS on your that resort to lies and slandering people who dare disagree with their IDIOCY you guys on the left have a hell of a serious SWAMP problem. Unlit your side drains the SWAMP and rids itself of the SWAMP LIZARDS and LEECHES, not much of what is said by the left gets heard and absorbed by reasonable, independent, and rational thinking individuals.

      Now, as it is quite likely RR, Steve, and Anon (or others of the above described vermin) will read this... Be advised you will be considered as trolling if you visit this site again in the future and your comment will NOT be read, much less posted. And to the Anon who is a SWAMP LIZARD, you knows who your are.

      Have a marvelous day jmj. Perhaps you could point out your cogent comment to your buds on the left and help them understand they are a big part of the problem. You might want to start with RR, Steve, and the swamp lizard Anon and move Forward from there. Hey, isn't "FORWARD" you guys (and gals) on the left 2012 motto? Right on the heals of Hope and Change that didn't work "FORWARD" should prove to be very interesting.

  3. His biggest regret isn't getting the budget under control? Or all the lives lost in Afghanistan because of his craven policies?

    Didn't he say before that his biggest regret was that he didn't tell us stories?

    1. By Jove Silver, I do believe you are absolutely correct.

  4. Silver said: "Or all the lives lost in Afghanistan because of his craven policies?"

    Or the Bengazi tragedy which was his fault since he chose to go all "9/10" on us and ignore the warnings?

  5. Quite an echo chamber you have

    1. You must be hearing the echo of the ObamaBots in your head. Oh, that's right, you are an ObamaBot. Stop projecting numbskull.

  6. I wish that he would take responsibility for doing the same stupid-assed Keynesian garbage that the Japanese did in the mid-'90s when they proceeded to fritter away the better part of a decade and a half AND for a health care plan that gave his SEIU union buddies a waver and which also stuck it to the Catholic affiliated self-insured businesses. Not that I'm thoroughly expecting him to, mind you.

  7. Yeah... he didn't change Washington. Apparently, telling Republicans to "Suck it up, I won!" failed to win Republican converts to his "cause" of bi-partisanship. I cam't imagine why not...

  8. Hi, Les,

    Yesterday I published an essay on Thomas Paine whimsically calling him a "crypto-Marxist."

    Since the post was inspired by you, I had hoped -- and still hope -- you might visit Freethinke's blog and let us know what you think.

    Take are,

    ~ FT

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