Aristotle and Politics

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

As I will be out of town for a couple of days I leave the interested with a rather lengthy series on Aristotle's Politics. Given the present state of American politics the series is instructional as well as interesting.

libribooks - The Politics, by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, is one of the most influential texts in political philosophy. In it, Aristotle explores the role that the political community should play in developing the virtue of its citizens. One of his central ideas is that "Man is a political animal," meaning that people can only become virtuous by active participation in the political community. Aristotle also criticizes his teacher Plato, classifies and evaluates six different types of constitutions and political institutions, and describes his vision of the ideal state. Aristotle's views on women and slavery are unenlightened by today's standards, but his work remains enduring and relevant to this day.

Back at the keyboard following my return.


  1. Aristotle, and in a reflective way Plato, assumed what they did because the best contemporary logic dictated it. And for that, they are remembered and properly admired.

    And we should remember that.

    Have a good trip Les, JMJ

  2. Plato versus Aristotle and Confucius versus Lao Tzu. That would be a pretty damn good double-bill, huh?

  3. Plato as you know was Aristotle's teacher and Plato was Socrates student. Aristotle was, and remains arguably the greatest philosopher on human history.

    Thanks JMJ...

  4. They also influenced the expansion of great empires (sorry about the typo). They are a great foundation for modern thought, but there are epochs of new thought to add to it. Pure Socratic or Platonic logic, let alone pure Christian or Jewish logic, for example, is rare. That is because they are untenable in the modern world. You sometimes have to balance two "truths". That's life and business in America today. There is no Razor here.

    Have a nice vacation from that. Forget about that razor race and smile.


  5. They also influenced the expansion of great empires (sorry about the typo). They are a great foundation for modern thought, but there are epochs of new thought to add to it. Pure Socratic or Platonic logic, let alone pure Christian or Jewish logic, for example, is rare. That is because they are untenable in the modern world. You sometimes have to balance two "truths". That's life and business in America today. There is no Razor here.

    Have a nice vacation from that. Forget about that razor race and smile.



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