The Real Obama... America's Supreme Progressive Collectivist

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

It has been my contention, and that of tens of millions of others, that Barrack Hussein Obama is at his core a progressive collectivist. A man who believes not only in the power of  the government to redistribute wealth as it sees fit, but also in reshaping American society so as to render it unrecognizable when examined through the "lens" of our founding principals and documents.

Obama forewarned us that he was bringing "Hope and Change" to America during his campaign in 2008. Change he has certainly brought us. Change that will, if unchecked, result in such a fundamental change in our government that it may be irreversible in future years. With ObamaCare, the stimulus package, and the just passed finance reform  bill it is likely already to late.

Obama made his plans for a  "Hope and Change" presidency well known... Had the majority been listening. Now all we can hope for is a sea change in Congress in 2010, and that we are saying goodbye in 2012 to the biggest progressive collectivist since FDR

A reminder:

Read a great article entitled The Malignancy of the Liberal/Progressive Ideology. It pretty much drives it home.

Cross posted at Left Coast Rebel.


  1. Hope you would add my blog. Thanks a lot. Keep blogging....

    Love your blog and you are added :) Keep up the good work and thanks for the kinds words. -- Kristen

  2. As we can see in the video it's more than a couple of isolated quotes, it's a consistant track record. The man is a Marxist.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. lisa said...
    did you hear about the Disclose Act that they snuck into the Campaign Finance Bill?

    The badly misnamed campaign finance bill, the DISCLOSE Act, will strangle the voice of grassroots organizations during election season - right at the time our voices most need to be heard.

    President Obama, most Democrats, and some Republicans have already pushed this bill through the House and will push it through the Senate soon unless we intervene.

    Although the bill will muzzle the voice of many groups, politicians in the House carved out a special exemption for unions, the NRA, and the AARP, so the rules won't apply to them.

    And the bill will go into effect just 30 days after it is signed by President Obama, just in time to silence our message before the fall elections.

    To make sure it can't be challenged in court prior to November, the bill expressly prohibits expedited judicial review.

    The Politicians know this bill is unconstitutional and will eventually be overturned by the courts. They don't care as long as it will help them this November.

    In fact, Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) admitted on the House floor that the purpose of the bill is explicitly partisan. He said that unless the DISCLOSE Act passes, "we'll see more Republicans getting elected."

    But when the Founders gave us the First Amendment, they prohibited Congress from making any law "abridging the freedom of speech," by which they meant freedom of political speech. They knew that a Republic can only thrive if it protects vigorous and robust public debate during election seasons.

    This bill is so bad that the ACLU has come out against it.

  5. Worst of all, we knew all of this before the election, but almost 70 million Americans voted for him anyway.


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