Ayn Rand's Words Right When Spoken... Right Yet Today

When Ayn Rand spoke these words we lived in a far less regulated and thus freer society. Her courage in standing for individual rights, limited less intrusive government, industrialists without governemnt subsidies, and free markets was admirable. Her attempts at influencing through logic and objective reasoning was a beacon of light then and continues to give many hope today.

As the nation has continued to move along the (apparent uninterrupted) continuum towards progressive collectivism we have witnessed the negative results. Just as Ayn Rand warned would happen.

To those who have thus far failed to recognize that the term progressive collectivism applies to both the "liberal progressive" and the "conservative far right" it is time to perhaps think again. As Rand stated in her interview the American people have really never been given a real choice. The only real difference in the democrats and the republicans has been which party moves us down the road to collectivism and ultimate dictatorship the fastest.

These are my thoughts. I appreciate hearing yours.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Les: I agree, on which "party" will get us "there" faster. I see it as both parties want power, both spend money like drunken sailors on shore leave, both just tell us what they think we want to hear—i.e. lie…basically the parties are interchangeable. We need distinct differences between our parties, that’s why we’re supposed to have a 2 party system—at least that’s how I understand it. We’re heading toward even MORE government regardless of who’s in charge therefore we need representatives who REALLY understand and intend to HONOR the constitution. Until then we are doomed.

  2. I wish someone would do a TV special on her. Too many do not understand the path we are on. I agree with Pamela on the 2 party system although I still feel more confident with a republican congress to control the pocketbook.
    I liked her comment about how some businesses used the government to compete with other business. Which boils down to her comment about the government staying out of the economy. This admin wants to be in control of all aspects of everything,that is communism light and if she thought we were on a dangerous path then she would be mortified now.
    Thanks for putting up that video Les.

  3. "...the term progressive collectivism applies to both the "liberal progressive" and the "conservative far right" "

    For several years, I've said that politics should be plotted on a circle, not a flat bar, since the farther you move to the right OR the left the closer you seem to resemble your "opposite."

  4. Pam - As Rand stated... We have never really been given a choice. At least not for the last 110 yeras or so.

    All roads now lead to the same end.

  5. lisa - Unfortunately it would be unlikely that any TV network would do justice to Rand today. The only way to "know here" is to read her many works.

    For more on Rand visit the link on my link page. It is a good start for anyone unfamilliar with her.

    As to Republican's in Congress... history shows them to be Keynesian and they really have no problem spending the nation into bankruptcy. Democrats under Obama will just do it faster.

  6. Gorges Smythe - I agree completely. Well said!

  7. I'm not a fan of either party. I would like to see us abolish political parties, and start electing individuals based on merit. If that were to occur we would see a lot more common sense.

  8. Trestin - While the concept is ideal, natural human tendency is for people to coalesce around others with like minds.

    Hence, once elected, individuals with similar governing philosophies would form "coalitions" and likely vote in blocks.

    This would likely lead to a multi party system and a parliamentary form of government.

    Give our current situation this could well be an improvement.

  9. Rand is completely correct in what she says, of course. The only area in which I think she ever gets it wrong is in her atheism. Because I am a Christian, I believe that I have a moral duty as my "brother's keeper." However, efforts to help my fellow man must be wholly voluntary, and no government at any level has a right to force me to provide for any other person, unless I have entered into a contract to do so as part of a free-will exchange (in the same manner as a business transaction).

    Rand seems a bit agitated, and I think that it could be because she has to field stupid questions (or, rather, questions based on stupid premises) from such an intellectual lightweight.

  10. Bastiatarian - I completely agree that she was a bit agitated. While Wallace was not a lightweight when compared to others in his profession he was no match for the acutely reasoned intellect that Rand possessed.


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